Wider Reading for Pulp Fiction
It is essential, if you want to gain a good grade in this section, that you read and learn the notes on this blog. If you really want to push yourself, you should conduct some wider reading about Quentin Tarantino as an auteur, his films, the gangster genre, Miramax and the cult phenomenon surrounding Pulp Fiction . Below are links to a number of useful online articles that will further your appreciation of Tarantino and Pulp Fiction - this list is not exhaustive but should act as a good starting point for further research. Tarantino as a Postmodern Auteur Tarantino's Directing Style The Cultural Influence of Pulp Fiction Twenty Years Later Narrative Structure and Style in Pulp Fiction The Hateful Eight and Tarantino's Auteur Signature Great Directors: Quentin Tarantino Violence in Tarantino's Movies Original 1994 Review of Pulp Fiction Analysis of the Symbolism in Pulp Fiction Textual Analysis of Scenes from Pulp Fiction